Ampeli Wine Yard
Disadvantages; taste is not good especially beef casserole, watermelon is too expensive, chair uncomfortable, pasta is plain. advantages Good atmosphere, kind personnel
230 m from hotel
A guide to great places near TAF Beach Villas with Tesla
Disadvantages; taste is not good especially beef casserole, watermelon is too expensive, chair uncomfortable, pasta is plain. advantages Good atmosphere, kind personnel
230 m from hotel
281 m from hotel
Επειδή είναι από τα ελάχιστα χωρίς πληρωμή ξαπλωστρας μαγαζιά στο τινγκάκι γίνεται χαμός. Ξαπλώστρα μόνο με αίτηση, καφές νορμάλ, θάλασσα κλασσικά ΑΠΑΡΑΔΕΚΤΗ λόγω φυκιων...
2.1 km from hotel
Kahvalti yetersiz tabi biz turkler icin, greek omlet feta peynirinden yapiliyor,lipton cay var,ayrica isteniyor.yani idare eder.bizim turk kahvaltisi aşmış onu anladim.
2.2 km from hotel
2.5 km from hotel
Good food near the beach ... Friendful staff... For turkish people there is Alkis speaking turkish better than me ...👍🏿👏🏿😎
2.6 km from hotel
Прекрасный песчаный пляж! Очень удобные большие лежаки стоимостью 3€. Фай-Вай работает отлично! Обслуживающий персонал очень доброжелательный и приветливый!
2.7 km from hotel
Akşam üzeri arkadaki asmanın altında bağın ürünü blush içmek çok keyifliydi
2.7 km from hotel